Affect of Parallel Computing on Multicore Processors


V R Rao Konkimalla and Niraj Upadhayaya, JB Institute of Engineering Technology, India


Our main aim of research is to find the limit of Amdahl's Law for multicore processors, to make number of cores giving more efficiency to overall architecture of the CMP(Chip Multi Processor a.k.a. Multicore Processor). As it is expected this limit will be in the architecture of Multicore Processor, or in the programming. We surveyed the architecture of the Multicore processors of various chip manufacturers namely INTEL™, AMD™, IBM™ etc., and the various techniques there followed in, for improving the performance of the Multicore Processors. We conducted cluster experiments to find this limit. In this paper we propose an alternate design of Multicore processor based on the results of our cluster experiment.


Amdahl's Law, Architecture, Chip Multicore Processor, Performance and Speedup

Full Text  Volume 3, Number 6