Implementation of User Interface for Microprocessor Trainer


TinMarKyi, Computer University, Myanmar


This paper aims to design and construct the microcontroller - based userinterface system and to study input, computation and output for microprocessor trainer.The other two activities beyond computation :input and output or I/O.This paper also aims to do high quality research in the area of filesystems, as well as develop a good implementation on atleast one computersystem. A computersystem's I/O performance must be commensurate (equal) with its CPU performance if the I/O system is not to limit the system's total throughput.When hundreds to thousands of such highperformance micro-processors are closely connected inscalablearray architecture, the enormous CPU performance of the multi-computer requires an I/O system with correspondingly high performance.A wellbalanced computer requires I/O performance commensurate with its CPU performance. High performance computers, access large numbers of disks in parallel to achieve the very appreciable I/O performance.


/Ounit, MicroprocessorTrainer, PIC16F877Amicrocontrolle, 7segments, 74ALS573BS, 74LS244, twoULN2004A.

Full Text  Volume 1, Number 2