Similarity Analysis of DNA Sequences Based on the Chemical Properties of Nucleotide Bases, Frequency and Position of Group Mutations


Fatima KABLI, Reda Mohamed HAMOU and Abdelmalek AMINE, Tahar MOULAY University of Saida, Algeria


The DNA sequences similarity analysis approaches have been based on the representation and the frequency of sequences components; however, the position inside sequence is important information for the sequence data. Whereas, insufficient information in sequences representations is important reason that causes poor similarity results. Based on three classifications of the DNA bases according to their chemical properties, the frequencies and average positions of group mutations have been grouped into two twelve-components vectors, the Euclidean distances among introduced vectors applied to compare the coding sequences of the first exon of beta globin gene of 11 species.


DNA sequence, chemical proprieties, DNA bases, position, frequency, group mutations.

Full Text  Volume 6, Number 1