A Binary to Residue Conversion Using New Proposed Non-Coprime Moduli Set


Mansour Bader1, Andraws Swidan1, Mazin Al-hadidi2 and Baha Rababah3, 1Jordan University, Jordan, 2Al-Balqa'a Applied University, Jordan and 3University of Portsmouth, UK


Residue Number System is generally supposed to use co-prime moduli set. Non-coprime moduli sets are a field in RNS which is little studied. That's why this work was devoted to them. The resources that discuss non-coprime in RNS are very limited. For the previous reasons, this paper analyses the RNS conversion using suggested non-coprime moduli set. This paper suggests a new non-coprime moduli set and investigates its performance. The suggested new moduli set has the general representation as {2n –2, 2n , 2n+2}, where n ∈ {2,3,…..,∞}. The calculations among the moduli are done with this n value. These moduli are 2 spaces apart on the numbers line from each other. This range helps in the algorithm’s calculations as to be shown. The proposed non-coprime moduli set is investigated. Conversion algorithm from Binary to Residue is developed. Correctness of the algorithm was obtained through simulation program. Conversion algorithm is implemented.


Forward Conversion, Residue Number System, Non-coprime Moduli Set

Full Text  Volume 6, Number 15