Facial Landmarking Localization for Emotion Recognition Using Bayesian Shape Models


Hernan F. Garcia, Alejandro T. Valencia and Alvaro A. Orozco, Technological University of Pereira, Colombia


This work presents a framework for emotion recognition, based in facial expression analysis using Bayesian Shape Models (BSM) for facial landmarking localization. The Facial Action Coding System (FACS) compliant facial feature tracking based on Bayesian Shape Model. The BSM estimate the parameters of the model with an implementation of the EM algorithm. We describe the characterization methodology from parametric model and evaluated the accuracy for feature detection and estimation of the parameters associated with facial expressions, analyzing its robustness in pose and local variations. Then, a methodology for emotion characterization is introduced to perform the recognition. The experimental results show that the proposed model can effectively detect the different facial expressions. Outperforming conventional approaches for emotion recognition obtaining high performance results in the estimation of emotion present in a determined subject. The model used and characterization methodology showed efficient to detect the emotion type in 95.6% of the cases.


Facial landmarking, Bayesian framework, Fitting, Action Unit

Full Text  Volume 3, Number 6