Neural Network Based Vector Control of Induction Motor


Uthra.R, N.Kalaiarasi, P.Srinivas Aruntej, SRM University, India


Stator current drift compensation of induction motor based on RBF neural network is proposed here. In vector control of induction motor decoupling of speed and rotor flux equations and their simultaneous control are used to achieve the highest efficiency and fast dynamic performance. The highest efficiency is reached when the proper flux is selected and as a result of dynamic decoupling of speed and rotor flux equations, the rotor flux can be modified to achieve the highest efficiency and make the speed be at its desired value. The precise control of these changes can also be done using radial basis function neural network (RBFNN). Once neural network gets trained then it is able to differentiate between normal and fault conditions and therefore acts in accordance to the change that could bring back the system to normal condition. Here, neural network is used to compute the appropriate set of voltage and frequency to achieve the maximum efficiency for any value of operating torque and motor speed.


Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN), Induction Motor, Vector control, k-means algorithm.

Full Text  Volume 3, Number 4