Auto-Mobile Vehicle Direction in Road Traffic Using Artificial Neural Networks


B.SankaraSubramanian, R.Vasanth Kumar Mehta and N. Kumaran, SCSVMV University, India


So far Most of the current work on this area deals with traffic volume prediction during peak hours and the reasons behind accidents only. This work presents the analysis of automobile vehicle directing in various traffic flow conditions using Artificial neural network architecture. Now a days, due to unprecedented increase in automobile vehicular traffic especially in metro-Politian cities, it has become highly imperative that we must choose an optimum road route in accordance with our requirements. The requirements are : volume of the traffic, Distance between source and destination, no of signals in between the source and destination, the nature of the road condition , fuel consumption and Travel Timing. Artificial Neural networks, a soft computing technique, modeled after brain biological neuron functioning, helps to obtain the required road way or route as per the training given to it. Here we make use of Back propagation network, which changes the weights value of the hidden layers, thereby activation function value which fires the neuron to get the required output.


Vehicle route selection and direction, Artificial neural network, Road Traffic Analysis, Back Propagation network.

Full Text  Volume 3, Number 4