Techniques for Component Reusable Approach


Sukanay.M, Biruntha.S, Karthik.S, Kalaikumaran.T, SNS College of Technology, India


To find out best reusable component is a difficult task for the user. The keyword based approach does not provide accurate result, which is largely used in descriptive methods for component retrieval. The keyboard based procedure is used for descriptive procedure broadly, it produces the result is too formless. For retrieval approach of component, to make them as reusable smart environment is used. In keyword search region, this will list out the components, the user must select appropriate component manually. The class diagram provides the information about structural description and contents of class effectively. That is class name, attributes, relationships, behavior operations and generalization etc. Repository is used for this information; this search result is better and produces high accuracy whenever it is compared with keyboard based search procedure.


MDL, UML models, search environment.

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 4