Comparative Study of Hand Gesture Recognition System


Rafiqul Zaman Khan and Noor Adnan Ibraheem, A.M.U, India


Human imitation for his surrounding environment makes him interfere in every details of this great environment, hear impaired people are gesturing with each other for delivering a specific message, this method of communication also attracts human imitation attention to cast it on human-computer interaction. The faculty of vision based gesture recognition to be a natural, powerful, and friendly tool for supporting efficient interaction between human and machine. In this paper a review of recent hand gesture recognition systems is presented with description of hand gestures modelling, analysis and recognition. A comparative study included in this paper with focusing on different segmentation, features extraction and recognition tools, research advantages and drawbacks are provided as well.


Hand posture,hand gesture,human computer Interaction (HCI), Segmentation, Features Extraction, Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Fuzzy C-Mean.

Full Text  Volume 2, Number 3